Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I place an order through Jade Scientific?
A: You can place an order on our website, via fax, via email or call the Jade Customer Service team directly. To process the orders correctly, we require that all orders we receive have contact, shipping, billing, and payment information. If we encounter any problems, Customer Service will contact you using the information you provided. Please visit our Orders & Payments section for details on how to send orders.
Q: Does Jade Scientific offer credit terms?
A: Please reach out to Jade Customer Service our your assigned Sales Representative to discuss the option of credit payment terms.
Q: How are shipping fees calculated?
A: Shipping fees are calculated based on the weight and dimensions of the order the ship from and to address and will be included on your invoice.
Q: How can I submit a return request?
A: On the My Account page under Cases, Click Submit New case, please enter the Subject, Update the Inquiry Type to Return and include a message. Customer Service will respond to your request accordingly.
Q: Help, I forgot my password!
A: On the login page click Forgot Password which will prompt you to enter your email address. A new temporary password will be sent to your email. Or, you can change your password by Logging into My Account, Settings and Update your Password.
Still Can't find an answer to your question? Don't worry; we're here to answer any questions you may have, and to listen to your feedback.
Our team of customer service professionals is ready to answer your questions. Simply send an email to Customer Service and a Jade teammember will respond to you as soon as possible.